
Short form

1983 Report

Xavier Connor, Report of Board of Inquiry into Casinos in the State of Victoria (April 1983)

1991 Report

Xavier Connor, Report on Casinos (February 1991)

Banking Royal Commission Final Report

Final Report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (February 2019)

Bergin Report

Parliament of New South Wales, Report of the Inquiry under Section 143 of the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW) (February 2021)

First Review

Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority, First Triennial Report of Investigation into the Casino Operator and Licence under Section 25 of the Casino Control Act 1991 (June 1997)

Second Review

Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority, Second Triennial Review of the Casino Operator and Licence (June 2000)

Third Review

Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority, Third Triennial Review of the Casino Operator and Licence (June 2003)

Fourth Review

Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation, Fourth Review of the Casino Operator and Licence (June 2008)

Fifth Review

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, Fifth Review of the Casino Operator and Licence (June 2013)

Sixth Review

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, Sixth Review of the Casino Operator and Licence (June 2018)

Reviewed 25 October 2021